Thursday, May 19, 2011

Silence O'Clock 2.0

A demo of the spiffy effects on the Quick Slice creation widget.
At long last, I've finished a bunch of new features and modifications to my Silence O'Clock app. Besides changing "Silence Period" to "Silence Slice"-- it's alliterative, and I wasn't a fan of the old wording anyway-- the biggest new thing is the addition of "Quick Slice." With Quick Slices, with just a "slice" (in this case, a sliding motion with your finger) and a couple taps, you can set your phone to silent for 15 minutes up to 6 hours, after which your ringtone will automatically be turned back on. This feature is perfect for movies or unscheduled meetings-- you'll miss any calls because you forgot to turn your ringer back on again!

WeGoIgo 1.15

Just uploaded yet another update. Someone requested the ability to pass in Joseki on the reviews, so I thought I'd go ahead and put it in. You can pass through the options menu, a new button that's only enabled if there's a "pass" in the dictionary for the current move, or if there's a "tenuki spot," which is just some label in the bottom corner without a variation associated.

In other news, I've changed handicaps to follow this page: I think this is more common. If you don't like those, however, I've also added custom handicap placement.

Finally, I've added a bit more SGF/Tsumego compatibility, and updated the visual area calculation to include labels. Also, if it surrounded the board completely, it now shrinks it back down to what you'd expect.

Monday, May 9, 2011

WeGoIgo 1.14

Nothing groundbreaking in today's update for WeGoIgo, but a few fixes and changes that should make those users with small screens smile. You can now choose to view games in "fullscreen" mode, which hides the status bar and, if my emulator is to be believed, grants users with 3-inch QVGA screens just enough elbow room to use the navigation buttons when an ad is on screen. If you've got a nice beefy screen, or have paid for the ad-free version, this will just give you more room to read comments... but that's pretty cool, too, right? I also fixed a bug where, even if the ad slid off screen (which is automatic if any comments are there), you could still click on it somehow. My apologies to anyone affected by this issue for not discovering it sooner!

In other news, I've continued to fiddle with my SGF reading and handling to make them even more forgiving. This is a formal plea to SGF developers or people just writing out their Tsumego problems by hand: Follow the SGF standard specifications! It's easier for all of us. Regardless, this should make WeGoIgo official compatible with at least the kyuu-level tsumego on the venerable Thanks to Timo for your help finding incompatible sets!